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Control room logging

Consistent and accurate recording of plant events.

Across all industrial plants, operators use logbooks to record important plant information during their shift. How can Opralog support control room logging activities?

A clear picture of key events enables the plant to run safely and efficiently and will highlight any potential future issues.  


The logbook is an essential tool that adds background and context to the raw data coming in from across the plant. 


Opralog provides a structured platform for the operator to quickly record time stamped entries.  


The system will ensure consistency, no matter who records the information, and will guide the operator through any process – no matter how complex. 


The system is quick and intuitive to use and much of the manual effort required logging information is removed. 


Data feeds can be automated and therefore time can be spent on the exceptional issues rather than day to day activities.


Opralog changes the control room logbook from a passive record of what happened to a proactive, consistent system that will ensure the correct information is always captured and instantly visible to the people that need to act on it in real time.




“Opralog has provided us with a clear and up-to-date picture of offshore operations. This tool has also improved communications both offshore and onshore.”


Quick and intuitive. Operators can quickly record key plant information with a few clicks

Standardisation. Each operator will record plant activities in the same way

Reduce manual effort. Interface to common plant systems to automate data capture

Operational excellence. Ensure standard process & procedures are followed

Search and report. View historic data, pick out trends and improve performance

Reduce operational risk. Issues are highlighted before they become bigger problems. Nothing gets missed.

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